AAHHCC 2021-2022

Nov 2021-Aug 2022

AACHAS (American Ayurveda Center of Holistic Arts and Science) is ecstatic to announce its FOURTH YEAR of the AAHHCC (American Ayurveda Holistic Health Coach Certification) Course! 

Overview + Important Info
     The course begins in November 2021, and ends in August 2022 . It extends over a period of 10 months, 200 hours total; taking place on one weekend a month (2-3 days). Students will receive material for all 10 modules, and have to give a 2 hour test after each module to ensure that they have fully understood the material. In order to receive their Holistic Health Coach Certification, students must also complete 20 case studies (20 hours) after completing the 10 modules, which will be reviewed by Doctor Vasudha.

     Students are taught live by Vaidya Vasudha, also featuring live teachings of astrology, gemology, meditation, and more by Mr. Uday Gupta. Students are also taught yoga live, featuring Mrs. Theresa Mihalopoulos.

Post Graduation
     As our support for our Ayurveda family, our graduates get a LIFELONG, personalized code for 20% off on all herbal formulations and consultation services offered by American Ayurveda post-graduation. This way, our students can immediately get on their feet and practice Ayurveda, but we will be there to aid them in getting the supplements to their clients. Discounts help our alumni earn back their fees from the course. Let the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda get carried on through generations!

Fees and Payment
    The fees for the AAHHCC Course are at a current discounted rate, due to the fact that it is ALL VIRTUAL. If paid at once and fully, it is $4,500. But, we do have payment plans ready for your help, and to view our options; contact us here, email americanayurveda@gmail.com, or call (212)-202-0225.

Timing, Platform, Structure
    Virtual classes are held on one weekend a month (either 2 or 3 days). These are normally from 9AM to 6PM EST. They are conducted on Zoom, and the classes are live and interactive, and students can ask questions as they are taught. All communication is done through both GMail and Messages. Students are required to have both a Google account, as well as a Zoom account, both of which are free to create.

    This course is proposed to be accredited by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP).

    To register, click HERE.